Jesus and Organized Religion (1)

From my point of view, I would ban religion completely. Organized religion doesn’t seem to work. It turns people into really hateful lemmings and it’s not really compassionate. Sir Elton John  Organized religions in general, in my opinion, are dying forms. There were all very important when we didn’t know why the sun moved, why weatherContinue reading “Jesus and Organized Religion (1)”

If You Get To The Funeral Home You’ve Gone Too Far

We lived in Arkansas for fifteen years years and this is what would I tell people when giving directions to our church building.  If nothing else, it usually got their attention because for better or worse, funeral homes usually stand out.  Nothing else really looks quite like a funeral home.  Architecturally, they might resemble a church or aContinue reading “If You Get To The Funeral Home You’ve Gone Too Far”

Honor Guards and Ultimate Solidarity

We were at our gate in the Raleigh-Durham airport when it was announced that our plane would be transporting the body of a fallen soldier. The honor guard was there at the gate and we were asked to stand and be silent while they performed their duties. It was a powerful moment. Airports are normallyContinue reading “Honor Guards and Ultimate Solidarity”

Grace and Community (2)

Both pop psychology and American culture thrive on playing up to our individualism. You’re different! You’re unique! You’re not like anyone else! Snowflakes, fingerprints, and DNA are all called in to make the case for how wonderfully special we are. And while that’s true, it’s a partial truth that needs balancing because we hear itContinue reading “Grace and Community (2)”

Grace and Community (1)

Luke recorded a parable by Jesus in 18:9-14 of his gospel. The story Jesus told was about two men in the temple and their approach God. The first man, a Pharisee, came before God reciting a checklist of all of the good things he had done. Interestingly, Christ never suggested that the man didn’t do the things of which heContinue reading “Grace and Community (1)”

For What It’s Worth

We are a fragmented nation, with fragmented leaders (official and otherwise), speaking fragmented messages that offer fragmented solutions with the promise of producing wholeness! Picking and choosing who to love, who to help and whose sins we will recognize and condemn is what has brought us to this point. Treating complex, involved issues by ignoringContinue reading “For What It’s Worth”

Entering the Arena for Christ

In the series Rome, Titus Pullo is a proud soldier of Rome’s Thirteenth Legion. But the time comes when there are no more wars to fight and he descends into a life of cold-blooded, mercenary killing. When he is captured and condemned to die in the arena for his crimes, he is resigned if not relieved, in regardContinue reading “Entering the Arena for Christ”

Connecting with Church (2)

How does a person connect with God’s community (the church)? Since church is God’s community, it is entered into by coming into relationship with Him through Jesus. In the fifth chapter of Ephesians, Paul speaks of Jesus loving the church and giving Himself up for her (v. 25). He then says in v. 26, that Jesus cleansed her,Continue reading “Connecting with Church (2)”

Connecting with Church (1)

Church is not a good idea – it’s God’s idea! Jesus spoke of building His church (community) in Matthew 16:18ff. The Scriptures also speak of this community being purchased by God (Acts 20:28). If church is this important to the Father and the Son, surely it will be to us. Okay, but what exactly is church?Continue reading “Connecting with Church (1)”

Community and Individuality

I was re-reading Lewis Smede’s Shame and Grace and I came across the following. As a rule, I don’t post what others have written, but this is too good not to share. Although it was written nearly three decades ago, it is remarkably prescient in addressing some of the problems we’re now facing as a culture dueContinue reading “Community and Individuality”