Broken but Blessed

Genesis 12-50 is full of the rich, personal stories of Abraham and his extended family (Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph). It is with them that redemption began to be fleshed out. The remainder of the book tracks the peaks and valleys of their lives in contrast to the singular and constant faithfulness of Yahweh in HisContinue reading “Broken but Blessed”

Happily Ever Laughter

It’s a little bit of an effort, but it’s certainly worth it to work through the chronology of Abraham. While we can read his story over a few pages and in a matter of minutes, the Genesis material covers 100 years of his life and it’s difficult to fully appreciate his faith or understand hisContinue reading “Happily Ever Laughter”

Tents and Altars

As previously noted, Genesis 1-11 serves as an introduction to the book as well as the rest of the biblical witness. With that in mind, we’re introduced to Abraham beginning in 11:27. This introduction prepares us for his call (12:1-3), as well as makes for a smooth transition between the account of the tower ofContinue reading “Tents and Altars”

James & Righteousness

The word “righteous” occurs seven times in the five chapters of James’ letter. It is a word that summarizes well James’ down-to-earth approach and overlaps with Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 5-7 where a major focus is righteousness (5:20, 6:22). His use of the word in his letter falls into four categories. 1. There is theContinue reading “James & Righteousness”


The Christian faith has existed for 2,000 years. Nations, kingdoms, and empires have risen and fallen, but the kingdom of Jesus still stands. Not only does it stand, but it covers the earth—and this despite the fact that numerous attempts have been made down through the centuries to exterminate it.  How is this so? IContinue reading “Rooted”

Happy Father’s Day from Mount Moriah

Imagine three things concerning Genesis 22: If all of that were true, then Terah could have received a postcard from his son saying, “Happy Father’s Day from Mount Moriah.“ And that would supply us with the emotional landscape we need to keep this story fresh (maybe raw is a better word). To think of AbrahamContinue reading “Happy Father’s Day from Mount Moriah”

A Great Plan for Life

Every spring at graduation, the years’ honorees hear an insidious untruth proclaimed over and over. It is delivered with the absolute best of intentions and from the purest of heart—but that will not change its—falsehood or its potential harmfulness. What am I speaking of? “You can be anything you want to be.” Those eight wordsContinue reading “A Great Plan for Life”


5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart    and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways submit to him,    and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6) This is one of those texts that is both comforting and if we’ll admit to it—challenging. The fact of the matter is disciples are all for trusting in the LordContinue reading “Overmatched”

Being Truthful With The Truth

With the conventions and election right around the corner, the political season is upon us. Many, but not all, of the candidates will be debating, spinning, equivocating, and spewing statistics faster than we can assimilate them. At times, it will be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff.  The sheer volume of information we’re confronted with isContinue reading “Being Truthful With The Truth”