That’s Just Not Right!

The word indignant is a strong term. We use it when we are not only upset about something, but when whatever we are disturbed about has exceeded the reasonable boundaries of bad. In other words, it is so glaringly wrong that we are personally offended by it. It is the difference between someone making aContinue reading “That’s Just Not Right!”

Jesus And The Little Children

Here’s some verse from Mark 10:13-16. Jesus And The Little Children Little children were being brought to Jesus, It’s a glorious scene to savor. They wanted the best for them as every parent does, So they came seeking His favor. The disciples were stewing in their own juices they were, Arguing who was greatest andContinue reading “Jesus And The Little Children”

Going Viral With Community

In Mark 9:30-31, Jesus told His disciples about His upcoming death and resurrection (9:30-31). They didn’t grasp what He was saying but “’were afraid to ask Him about it” (v. 32). Unfortunately, they did not show the same reticence in regard to arguing among themselves about “who was the greatest” in the kingdom (v. 34).Continue reading “Going Viral With Community”

Fresh Faith (2)

Let’s look at each of these more closely.     Renewing ourselves as disciples: There are few things more toxic spiritually than a failure to learn and grow. This happens because people either think they already know it all or they are apathetic about learning. Either way, the results are the same.  I’ve known some people over the years whoContinue reading “Fresh Faith (2)”